• Arista Wahyu Ningsih STIKES RS Anwar Medika
  • Acivrida Mega Charisma
  • Elis Anita Farida
  • Yani Ambari


The COVID-19 pandemic is a problem experienced by several countries in the world, one of the affected countries is Indonesia. One way to increase the body's immune system is to consume herbal plants. Herbal plants that can be used to increase the body's immune system are ginger, ginger and turmeric. The content of ginger, turmeric, and temulawak rhizomes contain curcuminoid compounds which have benefits as an immunodator to protect the body during the COVID-19 pandemic. The use of ginger, turmeric, and temulawak rhizomes that grow around the house is to process them into tea bags or herbal teas. The target of community service is the extended family of the wife of Perum Bulog (KBIB) South Surabaya branch. The existence of training activities and processing of tea bags or herbal teas can help boost the immune system during a pandemic. This community service activity is carried out in 4 stages, the first stage is preparation, the second stage is counseling about the benefits of ginger, turmeric, and temulawak rhizomes and how to process them into health drinks through the zoom application. The third stage is training on making tea bags or herbal teas of ginger, turmeric, and temulawak rhizomes through videos. The fourth stage is the delivery of teabags or herbal teas of ginger, turmeric, and temulawak rhizomes to the extended family of the wife of Perum Bulog (KBIB) South Surabaya branch. The existence of this community service activity increases knowledge about the benefits of ginger, turmeric, and temulawak rhizomes and improves skills in processing herbal plants into health drinks.


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Oct 13, 2021
How to Cite
NINGSIH, Arista Wahyu et al. PENYULUHAN PENGOLAHAN TEH HERBAL PENINGKAT IMUNITAS TUBUH DI MASA PANDEMI MELALUI APLIKASI ZOOM. Journal of Community Service (JCS), [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 23-30, oct. 2021. ISSN 2808-4179. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 17 feb. 2025. doi: